I spent New Year's Eve working in the gallery and listening to
Buffalo Springfield courtesy of our friendly neighbourhood book seller Martin. I have such happy memories of the Neil Young concert that I saw this year so it was great to be introduced to where it all began.
I then succumbed to one of the many winter bugs that have been flying around and had to go home early leaving Jill to finish our last working day of the year. Life is never dull when you are working in a gallery and I have had some really interesting conversations about art with our customers and artists over the year and I look forward to many more.
So, 2009 is here and I feel really optimistic and excited about the year ahead. We have a great variety of exhibitions planned and an overhaul and developement of our web site.
My New Year's wish is that the gallery continues to thrive and we continue to bring exciting art in all its forms to Castle Douglas.
On a personal note I'd like to make a trip to New York to visit galleries and museums and maybe some shops too! So, if any New York galleries need a Scottish gallerista to work for a couple of weeks you know who to ask! In dreamy moments I imagine a New York branch of McGill Duncan Gallery: if you look at our logo it is perfect for replacing 'Castle Douglas' with different places perhaps adding Glasgow... and New York.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year, may you live your dreams and build a ladder to the stars.
Z x