We had a really great day out at
Potfest in the Park near
Penrith yesterday.

Here's Rodger Smith from
Barnbarroch Pottery with a rather stylish shopping bag! Their stand looked great and we were too tempted by all the lovely pieces. Jill bought me a pot for my birthday so I've got to forget about it until October and she also bought a gorgeous
alligator dish and spoon. Complete with a tiny
alligator on the spoon!

Christine Smith from Barnbarroch Pottery with Jill sitting on Christine's 'Snakes and Ladders' seat.

Jill with Roger sitting on Christine's competition piece, her Two Dogs seat - very comfy - we think it should have won.

Nick Williams from Consall Forge Pottery. I bought a sweet little pale blue Salt Pig from him. I love this photo, he looks so proud of his work and I think he chose the perfect shirt to match his pots!
Margaret Brampton from Brampton Pottery, a fellow blogger, it was great to meet her. I absolutely loved her pots and bought one of her wild boar plates. She came all the way from Surrey, but there were potters who had travelled even further, including Germany, France and Lithuania.

Our purchases. We also bought a pot by Martin Mohwald from Germany but we gave it to my brother as a present so it's already gone back to Glasgow.