Amanda Simmons, who is exhibiting with us from the 13th of March (the Private View is on the evening of 12th March 7pm - 9pm), has a really nice piece in the March 2010 issue of Craft and Design magazine. Her career path has been a fascinating journey, and she never gave up on finding her true calling in life.
I am busy getting the Private View cards ready for Amanda's exhibition - sticking address labels on what seems like an endless pile of cards. Since I did my Adobe InDesign course last year, designing all the cards myself is really enjoyable - it's lovely not to have to convey my ideas by painstakingly drawing out the plan of the card by hand. I can just play around with my ideas on the computer until I get something we're happy with, and send it straight to print.
Amanda will be exhibiting her glass alongside six different painters: Michael J. Ashcroft, Josephine Broekhuizen, Winifred Hodge, James Orr, Anitra Rushbrook and Rosie Villiers - Stuart.