Thursday 9 October 2008

Off to Italy

ANITA KLEIN Angelo del Arcobaleno

I'm off to London tomorrow and then on to Italy on Saturday. I'll be drawing, painting and print making and hopefully getting inspiration from the italian countryside for a week. The holiday is with artists Anita Klein and Nigel Swift. I love Anita's work and I am looking forward to my first trip to Italy so much.

Amongst other things I'll have a chance to see the work of Piero Della Francesca as I'm staying near Arezzo.

Luckily I'm back in time for the Private View of our Bella Green, Gail Kelly, Philomena Pretsell and Mike Turpie Exhibtion on Sunday the 19th on October. I managed to get lots of preparation done for the exhibition this week but it still means I am leaving Jill to hang all the work on her own!


1 comment:

Christine said...

Pierro della Francesco is one of my favourite early Renaissance artists, looking forward to sharing the delights of your trip on Sunday as well as seeing the new show, especially Philomena's new work.