Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Snappy Snap Snap

Here's photographer Garry Maclennan snapping away in the gallery earlier today.

We had a really fun day and got lots and lots of new photographs for the web site and our new gallery leaflet - which I'm about to start designing.

Getting good exterior shots of the gallery is always a challenge, with the large reflective window, but we got some great ones today. Garry also took some portrait shots of us - not the easiest job in the world as we both feel rather self conscious in front of the camera but he did a great job making us smile (in fact I didn't realise how serious I look when I'm not smiling - eeek a bit scary!).


Garry Maclennan said...

Cough Cough, Maclennan!

Zoe said...

Ooops Garry - where did I get that spelling from?! I've edited the Blog. Z x