Saturday 8 November 2008

Piero Della Francesca


I have artists Nigel Swift and Anita Klein to thank for introducing me to the work of Piero Della Francesca when I was in Italy.

I really can't get these paintings out of my head and even if I could I wouldn't want to. My friend Christine Smith told me about his work in the National Gallery and I went to see them when I was in London.

I had really sore feet from tramping round galleries all day so all I did was stand in front of his work and stare and stare. I didn't feel the need to look at any one else's paintings. The Baptism of Christ is a truly extraordinary painting.

Just now I'm reading The Piero Della Francesca Trail by John Pope Hennessy with an essay, The Best Picture by Aldous Huxley.

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